Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Cranky ass.

Nose clogged, sore throat.

And its fucking foggy and cold here.

I am cranky.

I have a serious mean streak.

Just because Im generally reserved and well-spoken, some may get the idea that I dont care to get loud.

I can.

Because I tend to try to resolve issues quietly, some come to the conclusion that I dont have the stomach for a fight.

Actually, I like to brawl.

But , I prefer to fight with a clear mind. And with a clear mind, I find its a waste of time to be pissed off at silly people.

Im willing to make exceptions.

Cuz I actually enjoy being an asshole.

First tho, I warn them.

LilBro calls my temper, even tho its infrequent, scary - because "you get quiet, and then you tell them what you gonna do with them, but politely. And you mean it."

Someone is pissing me off. I have better things to do than engage this idiot.

But Im ready to fight. For as long as it takes.


*breathe* Usual procedure. Warn them in no uncertain terms.

Then, if they dont heed the warning, its not my fault then, is it?
Gah. Now my external drive case is dead.

Jaysus, what else?

Its getting to the point where Im failing to to see the good side of this shytte.

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