Sunday, November 30, 2003

Jo Jo Jo

"And what's *your* name?"


Sometimes I do the 007 routine. "Pennant. Joe Pennant."

Meh. Ive even had it where Im on a second date and I get "Uhm, I hate to admit it, but your name again is.."

Its not because theyve necesarily forgotten, but they dont want to eff up and say instead "James John Jehosophat."

Sometimes it happens anyhoo.

Sometimes, if I care, I'll correct 'em.

There are times when I REALLY wish the given name is a bit more ear-catching.

Ive learned to tune out "Hey Joe" in a crowded room, unless the person is right by me, talking to me.
If its repeated, I will take a slow, casual turn to verify that its me.

Cuz I hate responding to someone who aint talkin to me.

But Im easily fooled on an open street, as paradoxically, you dont expect to hear "JOE!" as youre walking along.

Ive never been tempted to go by another name. Or to go by my initials, even though Im legally entitled to use the ever-cool moniker "J.D".

Seems pretentious, somehow.

Im also many times fooled by the familar "JoJo!", even tho only a few folk use that one.

Thankfully, (with the exceptions of one or two or close family) no one calls me "Joey" in public.

This might be a blessing. :-)

Oh, and as a public service...

Ive heard the joke "Hey Joe. Where you goin' with that gun in yer hand?"


Many, many times.
However, I have to say ..

Its not always what you call me, its how.

Or who.

Its the difference between making me growl or glow.

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