Mommas dont let your babies walk on their toes
This weeks horrorscope:
You may not be the most adventurous member of the zodiac, but you have your moments.-------
If you feel like packing your bags and heading off into the bright blue yonder around the time of Wednesday's new moon, do so without a second thought or a backward glance.
The moment you start analyzing your feelings is the moment the magic begins to fade. Follow your instincts, wherever they lead.
Where Im currently staying in West Berkeley, its about 2 miles or so from downtown Berkeley.
Some days I walk.
I HATE to walk. My feet hurt. My achilles tendons burn after years of walking around bouncing on my toes (from when I was an ath-ugh-leet). And the prospect of walking more than 2 blox feels suspiciously like work.
Still, I walk.
The trick is to get started, plan your route and not think about it.
And by the time I get to where Im going, the walk doesnt seem so bad.
The best times, the best experiences, the best pictures, have all come from when I went trekking.
Because I had to.
Its the journey, not just how you get there.
It'll soon be time to step again.
Yeah, walking has been very, very good - but, truthfully, Id much rather be driving.
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