Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Fiscal fitness, dude

My fiscal
philosophy for much of my adult life.. "No money? Ok, make more money."

Then I stopped working.

A sure sign of poverty is having your girlfriend and friends always having to pick up the tab.


Eventually, I became afraid of money. Not phobic about the stuff, just afraid of not using it properly.

Its not as if I was ever a flagrant spendthrift. I got value for what I spent.

But the biggest regret Ive had was to bemoan "I wish I had used the money I had *properly*".

Now, Im determined to do exactly that from now on.

JPennant: so, the word for this phase of my life
JPennant: "fiscal discipline"
JPennant: learning how to budget money and use resources
McClint: that's every stage of my life :-)
JPennant: *pshaah* youre a cappy. Its genetic.
McClint: AND Scottish
JPennant: oh lord, yes :-)
JPennant: the scottish national poem
JPennant: "can ye lend me a fiver til tuesday"
McClint: heheh
JPennant: (monty python)
McClint: :-)
McClint: Scots refuse to spend money.
JPennant: "NEVER buy retail, bubbulah"
McClint: hehehe

And much, much more.

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