Saturday, June 26, 2004

Virgo's and Capricorns are traditionally compatible.

My friend the Cappy and I have supported each other over the years primarily because we have the same Earth sign, business-oriented values.

However, while we might see things similiarly, our energies, the way we express them, are *definitely* different.

Im mister Take It Slow, she is Lets Get That Warehouse NOW.

I love her, admire her spunk and get-it-doneness, and even agree with her, but it gives me agita.

Still, Im proud of the energy she puts into everything.. and, especially now, I could use some of that energy.

Except Id be all stubborn and stuff telling her to slow down.
Next week's hororscope sez:
The sun backs Saturn in your work house. It's karma time. You're supposed to be transforming a ho-hum job into a high-profile, fame-and-fortune-type career.

Be strong, be firm and pick up those resolutions. It's not too late at all.

Yeah. Its not too late at all.

This morn, one of the Berkeley Farmer's Market vendors came over, asked me to help him set up as his back was killing him.

I would done it for nothing, cept he dropped a few coins in my pocket.

I helped a few folk after that made a little more green.

Its funny with me. I will turn down thousands and yet I can be bought for coffee and donut money.

So I went for a coffee and donut at Au Coquelet.

Ok, a *decaf* mocha and a croissant.

Now, as good as it was, I felt kinda bad blowing that 5 bux. I coulda saved it and all. Used it for something better later.

Because now, the stakes are higher. Theres a lot that I want and need to do, and I definitely need as much capital as I can scrounge.

My ma was very good at that, making miracles happen on very little cash. Now Im starting to understand how she did it.

Live simply and cheaply.

Still... whats Latin for "Live for today"?

Just because Im being frugal, doesnt mean I shouldnt treat myself.


Thats the difference.

Ive had a pretty good day so far.

Great weather, good people, starting to feel like part of the place.

Odd feeling though.

I like being the observer.

Not part of the scene.

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