Monday, June 21, 2004

I missed the bus, so I have time to ramble

my Morning Marn(tm):
My own experience has been that if you're blessed enough to have Jewish friends, you're pretty much guaranteed the chance to eat your weight in fresh and/or smoked salmon any time they include you in a family celebration.

I love salmon.

Not that I want to denigrate other sects, but frankly, my experience to date has been that they are not so generous with the salmon. Oh, your Christians will give you nibbles of salmon diluted with mayonnaise and shoved into one of those dainty little crustless sandwiches, but slabs of actual fresh salmon?


Hey Marn, Im witcha on the love of salmon.

Smoked salmon, salmon and buttah, salmon and bagels, grilled salmon and couscous, salmon cocktails...

That brings to mind something, mmm, weird about some folk out here in da West.

They HATE salmon.

Well, not *hate* hate, but more on the order of "We're having liver *salmon*???"

As you would put it, Marn...
You can well imagine my consternation.

Right on.

Out east, salmon is an expensive delicacy, where the smoked salmon is oft scottish or canadian in origin and fresh salmon is priced like gold, and you gotta helicopter to remote places to catch it yourself.

So, the natives going *ewwwww, salmon AGAIN???*, just blows my tiny lil mind.

Me? I aint jewish, but I can schnak on smoked salmon ferever and ever, amen.

Another diff between the west and east coasts.
My father (and mother) have beautiful penmanship, writing with great flourishes and loops.

In fact, my signature is actually a derivative of my father's as he used to practice his signature almost daily.

We have the same name.

I still sign my name with his distinctive loop on the P and the last letter of our surname, except I leave out the long, dramatically continuous line that would cap the beginning "J" and cross the loop of "T" at the end.

I just cant be bothered.

Laziness is what makes it my own.

Lately, Ive been practicing writing my signature the same way a prospective bride would write her future name.

Everyone buying my prints have been asking for me to sign them. I didnt wanna because I didnt like how my signature looks.

This is how I realized, (as with other thngs Ive discovered growing older), there was a reason my dad did this. He wanted it to look 'just so".

When I sign my prints, I also want my signature to look 'just so', which is why I found myself practicing my signature the past few days.

Until it was 'just so'.

Now, Im proud to sign my prints.
Fred weighs in on the "which island?" Hawai'i issue..
The big island is far and way the most wonderful place.

Maui is for drunk fratboys and honeymooners.
Oahu is for japanese tourists shopping.
Kauai is rainy and outback.

besides, Pele (the goddess not the soccer player) is resident on the big island.

Wait, what IS the Big Island called?

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