Wednesday, July 14, 2004


JPennant: hey Ms Tracy.. hows tings?
MamaHell: crazy as ever.... hows Cali?
JPennant: fine, fine. Im in San Francisco proper now.
MamaHell: Is berkley far from there?
JPennant: nah, just directly across the Bay
JPennant: 8 miles distance wise
JPennant: 25 minute subway ride
MamaHell: so you swam across?
JPennant: nah, took the bus ;-)

JPennant: hows the artist part of you coming along?
MamaHell: been too stressed to write...
haven't been dreaming...too busy trying to find the right is the first day I am 1/2 assed inspired
MamaHell: it would be a goood Idea to just read
MamaHell: today
JPennant: hows the weather?
MamaHell: muggy/cool (if that is possible)
and the flirt of misty rain
MamaHell: kind of what I imagine it is over there
JPennant: yup, its exactly that, minus the rain
JPennant: the sun isnt scheduled to break through until *looks at watch*
JPennant: 12:30
MamaHell: and kita is cute as she nuzzles into an old easter basket
JPennant: heheh
MamaHell: hmmm they have it down to a time
JPennant: nah, Im just figuring
JPennant: sounds like a good day to jes kick back
MamaHell: weather man joe
JPennant: one of my many hobbies :-)
JPennant: its cool tho
JPennant: although this morn
JPennant: as I was buying my half-caf, half-decaf
JPennant: a drug bust went down two feet away from me
MamaHell: a big one?
JPennant: two undercover cops body-slammed some dude to the ground
MamaHell: woe
JPennant: what was funny
JPennant: is that they didnt bug him as he openly smoked weed
MamaHell: then what was it?
JPennant: crack rocks
JPennant: weed is a ticket offense here, you kiddin?
MamaHell: Mmm yeah thats the bad one
MamaHell: well How should I know I have never been
MamaHell: YET
JPennant: *sigh* Ive gotten an education here
JPennant: its not that everybody I know is a user.. but I have to ASSUME everybody is
MamaHell: as most people are
JPennant: Cali is a trip. literally
MamaHell: I am reading about the hills on fire there
JPennant: south of here
JPennant: well, everyone has issues they have to deal with. Something else I learned
MamaHell: still...Big HOLLYWOOD at risk
MamaHell: could you imagine?
JPennant: burn baby burn :-)
JPennant: it'll be a movie of the week :-)
MamaHell: then all those reject actors would move here
JPennant: heheh
MamaHell: well Joe I gotta run....Sorry so short
Take care out there weatherman
JPennant: you too Lady Dragon :-)

Was wrong. The sun appeared at 10:30am.

The weather man is never right anyway.
JPennant: you see, in July, my brain doesnt work, so ..
Mister B: hahaha
JPennant: happy boithday
Mister B: tanks, sir! :-)
JPennant: yahoo didnt remind me :-)
Mister B: doh!
JPennant: eh, it never does
Mister B: one of my friends called this morning, thinking to day was the 13th!
JPennant: heh
JPennant: gooood lie :-)
Mister B: hehe, i KNOW he's like that, so it wouldn't be a lie!!!
JPennant: LoL
JPennant: looks like you had a good day. :-)
Mister B: it was very nice... well, not counting having to work
JPennant: ok, assuming work was an unpleasant dream ;-)
Mister B: hehe

Mister B: so, you've moved across the bay now?
JPennant: yup. finally
JPennant: graduated from Berkeley
Mister B: a place of your own or sharing?
JPennant: nope.
Mister B: ack
JPennant: nah, not so bad
JPennant: Im bathed, housed, fed and clothed. Im fine :-)
Mister B: thought maybe you had built up a few by now
Mister B: a few dollars in the bank
JPennant: only to get the gear I want
Mister B: nod
JPennant: Nah, Im fine. Its working for me
JPennant: cept it makes the Girl Im Dating nervous
Mister B: nacherally
JPennant: "I just cant wrap my *mind* around this homeless thing youre doing!"
JPennant: She figures its a phase and I'll be done with it soon
Mister B: she dont know you well, do she? ;-)
JPennant: I tell her im not asking her to stick around if she doesnt wanna.
Mister B: :p
JPennant: sorry, random person came up.. even in SF I know people now
Mister B: haha
JPennant: anyways, happy birthday sir. enjoy the rest of your birthday week ;-)
Mister B: heh, thanks!

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