Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Migraine brought to you by Sony

Not feeling like
writing, partly because Im trying to bring a dead machine back to life without hurting any files. (wannabe geeks never figure that part)

So, creativity goes out the window when Im in geek mode.

thats why I hate doing it for a living.

k a t e: howdy
JPennant: hey hey
JPennant: how are ya
k a t e: good
k a t e: i have tons of work to do tonight for school
k a t e: planning on staying very late tonight at work
k a t e: so i am just gonna bang out all of my papers
JPennant: booyah
k a t e: yeah - it sux
JPennant: no it doesnt. its just work :-)
k a t e: it sux
JPennant: heh
JPennant: but youre the most powerful being on the planet
k a t e: uh - huh
JPennant: you'd rather be in the hamptons right now, dont you
k a t e: YES YES YES
k a t e: fishing and swimming
JPennant: ahh yes
JPennant: whoa. this chica just sat in front of me with a MASSIVE hickey on her throat. Im mesmerised, trying not to stare
k a t e: hehe
JPennant: sorry, got distracted there

JPennant: remember how i always say that i would never buy a sony laptop, but i would take one if someone gave it to me?
JPennant: well, someone gave me one
JPennant: and its giving me a massive migraine right now
JPennant: *sigh*
k a t e: why?
JPennant: she gave it to me because the hard drive was going dead
JPennant: yesterday it worked
JPennant: today, it doesnt
JPennant: so be careful what you wish for
JPennant: you just might get it
k a t e: hehe
JPennant: if it werent so pretty, id take it apart
JPennant: but its coughing up blood like i know sony laptops do.
JPennant: AND it prolly has a virus
JPennant: grr
JPennant: so, what were you saying about schoolwork?
k a t e: hehe

JPennant: i have a sony laptop someone gave me. its coughing up blood
Laura: the vaio?
Laura: not the vaio
Laura: though i've not heard anything good about them
Laura: well, not entirely true
JPennant: i would never buy one
Laura: plenty of good things from sony
Laura: but none from those who've bought them
JPennant: about 1 out of 3 of these laptops fail
JPennant: and theyre temperamental as hell
JPennant: even though theyre built with industry standard components
Laura: where are they made?
Laura: why do they do this?
JPennant: sony tries to make them do more than theyre designed for, while making them down to a price
JPennant: and theyre aimed for the same market as mac users
Laura: folks who expect their machines to be work horses
JPennant: as well as being idiot-proof.

I'll get it done.

But it wont be painless.

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