Tuesday, July 26, 2005

One of Us, One of Us

Apple Store, SoHo NY Dont be
fooled by my hemming and hawing, I already know what I want, but I have to be convinced so I can justify it.

F'rinstance, it seems the whole world has an iPod, but me. The high price of the things has held me back.

But it's time.

JPennant: Ok, its time
McClint: ?
JPennant: next week. MP-3 player
JPennant: budget: 200 bux maximum, 20gb minimum
McClint: what kind?
JPennant: small, handy. also will be used to back up my images
McClint: what kind?
JPennant: as far as brand?
McClint: duh
JPennant: Apple, iRiver, Creative and Archos, right now
McClint: stay far away from archos. big, bulky, battery hog
JPennant: If Id had the money, i woulda bought an Archos years ago
McClint: why not ipod?
JPennant: expensive. Id feel like I got robbed buying it.
McClint: but if you had the money you'd get an archos. why archos and not ipod?
JPennant: ok, theyre selling 20Gb refurbed ipods for 219
JPennant: mm.. whats the diff between click wheeled ipods and non-click wheels
McClint: that's the 4th generation
McClint: the 3rd generation had the 4 buttons across the top
JPennant: ahh, yeah. ok
JPennant: is that worth 50 bux extry?
McClint: well yeah
McClint: 4th gen is still in warranty
JPennant: I mean, functionally
McClint: and yes it is definiely worth it
JPennant: when you say "warranty", that means trouble with the 3rd generation
McClint: no
McClint: warranty is ALWAYS worth it
JPennant: true
McClint: if you get the 3rd gen and it dies tomorrow, you're screwed
JPennant: GOOD point
JPennant: well, I do abuse my electronics
McClint: if you get 4th gen and it does tomorrow you're covered, the 4th gen is better
JPennant: It sez i get a year limited warranty with refurbs
JPennant: so, thats good
JPennant: ok
JPennant: Im looking at a 20gb 4th generation from Apple for 219. That looks like it.

JPennant: I really want an iPod anyway :-)
JPennant: *shh* dont tell nobody :-)
JPennant: It'll mess with my uber-geek rep
McClint: hehehe you already got an imac. youve had macs before.
JPennant: eh, that doesnt make me a "ooh pretty" mac hipster :-)
JPennant: Ive gotta be sporting a powerbook and ipod for that
McClint: well i've got a powerbook and 2 ipods. what does that make me?
JPennant: Well, you also work for Apple, so you can flash mac whenver you feel like.
JPennant: AND you drive a mini
JPennant: Dude. Youre In.
JPennant: As long as you dont get all metrosexual wit me
McClint: that will never happen!
McClint: I resist the "fab 5"
JPennant: I dunno
JPennant: got low cut jeans?
McClint: nope
JPennant: gel in yer hair?
McClint: hell fuckin no
JPennant: earring?
McClint: BAH
JPennant: heehee
McClint: there is nothing metrosexual about me
JPennant: sideburn?
McClint: nope
JPennant: ok, well - I guess you havent totally gone hipster on me
McClint: nor do i wear flip flops
JPennant: still the Powerbook, iPods (TWO!), Mini and earring ...
McClint: no earring!
McClint: the "BAH" was my scoffing such an idea
JPennant: oh. i thought you had a diamond stud the last I saw ya :-)
McClint: nope
JPennant: aight then :-)
JPennant: just dont put a gun rack on the Mini
McClint: hehehe

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