Saturday, November 26, 2005

Dateline: San Francisco

WaikikiJPennant: *sigh* Im almost off my Hawaiian high
mars: haha.
mars: time to plan the next trip
JPennant: heh.Im contemplating taking up Hawaiian Airlines on their season pass deal :-)
mars: =)
JPennant: But yeah, Im already budgetting to buy more Lava Lava's
mars: hahaha. samoan at heart
JPennant: I feel at home with them
mars: that's good to hear though
mars: if you did come to visit again, what would you want to do though. Seems like you did a lot already
JPennant: Im honestly not sure.
JPennant: I think Id explore a little more
JPennant: But Im now doing more reading and watching Magnum PI with new eyes. :-)
mars: =)
mars: you really like that show
JPennant: Heh, I dunno about you, but who doesnt wanna drive the Magnum PI cars?
JPennant: I would love a Ferrari Spyder, even for a short time
JPennant: But Id like to have my drivers license back so I can rent a scooter and car. I want to go to the Big Island
mars: hehehe yeah sounds like fun
mars: that would be fun. i think you'd like the BI
JPennant: cool :-)

LuauJPennant: I want to go to a local Luau. I realized what it was I DIDNT like about the Luau
mars: what is that?
JPennant: Being rushed
mars: hmm i don't think i've ever been to a "local" luau
mars: local just means potluck. haha
JPennant: Its like if you came to Jamaica, and you came for dinner.. nobody would be rushing you
mars: very true. but the thing is...the touristy luaus have to be that way. they have a time limit. but parties at a person's rush
JPennant: exactly
JPennant: I heard the non touristy luau's ae a bit like that
JPennant: And frankly, the food sucked at Germaine's :-)
JPennant: The only thing truly warm was the pig
mars: umm deary, i tried to warn you
mars: hubby dislikes germains
mars: he's partial to paradise cove, but of course, it does cost more
mars: but at least you got to see one for yourself =)
JPennant: yeah, I did :-)
JPennant: Next time, I think I'll camp out for a night or two
JPennant: so, I can go around the island a little more slowly.
mars: on the beach?
JPennant: not necessarly just the beach
JPennant: Im reading the book 'Hidden Hawaii' right now, getting some ideas.
mars: that's cool though. but of course, you should take other trips to other places first huh. NY?
JPennant: NY, Chicago, Vancouver, San Diego
mars: nice
JPennant: If i can figure out how to quit my job abd travel :-)
mars: haha
mars: when you find out let me know
JPennant: I got some ideas. Dont know if they'll work, but they might :-)

JPennant: What's interesting to me, a side benefit of the trip ...
JPennant: was that I learned how to use my camera better
mars: really? because of the different lighting?
JPennant: Yes. definitely
JPennant: because I was having trouble getting the pctures I wanted for the first coupla days
JPennant: But it didnt become apparent until after I got home that I'd learned anything
mars: =) that's great
mars: now you can write it off as a business trip
mars: haha
JPennant: hee
JPennant: yeah, next year I gotta start getting the nitty gritty to set myself up in business
JPennant: gonna use Hawaii as a jumping off point for trips to Australia and other places
mars: nice
JPennant: Phillipines, Australia and India are next on my travel destinations
JPennant: Just dont ask me when. It'll happen when it happens :-)
mars: hehehehee
mars: well, i'll live vicariously thru you.
mars: I don't think hubby would want to visit PI or India
JPennant: well, I guess he has no reason to
JPennant: Heh, sometimes you gotta make up reasons :-)
mars: hehehe

JPennant: My RL friends all wanna go to Hawaii now :-)
mars: hehehehe
JPennant: But like most folk on the mainland, it feels like a faraway dream. Possible, but not really probable. :-/
mars: but its just a flight away. and cheap hotels can be found
JPennant: Eh, its a 10 hour flight from the East Coast, and the hotels all wanna charge 160 bux and up in the regular season
JPennant: so it feels like it needs a lot of money and time to do.
mars: ah. if its from the east coast then never mind
mars: hehe
JPennant: So, most folk got to the Bahamas and Puerto Rico instead'
JPennant: a shame
mars: hehehe
JPennant: but they do all wanna get to Hawaii
JPennant: Its sorta like you and wanting to go to Europe
mars: true
JPennant: They have cheap flights to Europe all the time from the East Coast
JPennant: Imagine.. $270 bux roundtrip to London???
mars: i know!
JPennant: I wonder what the cheapest flight to Europe is from Hawaii?
mars: hmm 700
mars: ??
JPennant: well, thats not too bad.. but you wouldnt pick up and just go at that price
mars: very true

JPennant: Wow, price of flights to Hawaii just doubled
mars: winter
mars: it will do that
JPennant: Went from 217 to 417 from Oakland
JPennant: Only about 20 bux from SFO.
JPennant: to about 280
mars: just wait. hehe
JPennant: heh
JPennant: Do you travel between the islands often?
mars: not really. maybe once every 4 years?
JPennant: whoa! Thats it??
JPennant: too expensive?
mars: its like..why go? we've already been
JPennant: wow
JPennant: Someone's gonna make a mint when they introduce inexpensive flights and ferry trips.
JPennant: Do the Jetblue and Southwest thing
JPennant: If it were cheaper, you'd go ore often?
mars: maybe. but hotels are $$ too
JPennant: yah
JPennant: wow. If I had the moeny, Id be bribing the right officials to start setting up some inexpensive ways to do it :-)
JPennant: Heh, maybe I should put that into my master plan for taking over the world :-)
JPennant: "Cheap inter-island fares, set up my own airline" :-)
JPennant: "Itinerant Airlines" - I like the sound of that :-)
mars: hahahhaahha
mars: that would be cool
JPennant: that would, actually :-)
JPennant: Do it like "Soul Plane" but for Hawaiians :-)
mars: =)
mars: ok. time to go. have fun making your plans to take over the world
JPennant: Heheh. will do. :-)
mars: byebye

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