Sunday, December 31, 2000

There's No Place Like Home. But There's . . . No Place.

"Not having secured shelter made me feel flawed, embarrassed in front of myself."

Man, after 3 years, 3 almost apartments, sublets and currently crashing at a friends house.... I can call myself a New Yorker now.

(insert irony here) But to live in New York - Im gonna be moving to New Jersey.

Sadly, with my experiences to date, I wont be surprised if the apartment falls through.
In fact, Im half-expecting it to.
(Already, its been changed from a one-bedroom to a large studio, and a week added to the waiting time. Im focusing on the positives of 'its cheaper rent, and its still a nice apartment'....)

"Real estate in New York has nothing to do with what you deserve. It is a rolling sea. People are dropped in, and some find what they want right away. Others never do. The rest of us bob around on the surface, pushed up and pulled under at intervals, always keeping our faith in that lucky wave that will come along and carry us out to the next port."

Plan B still has me looking at rooms.

Read Tara Bahrampour's NY Times article and very personal story - it's becoming a frighteningly familiar tale of anyone trying to live in NYC.


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