Wednesday, December 27, 2000

Tish was concerned when I went down with food poisoning these last few days.

Specially with my living situation right now.

I didnt want her to worry, so I tried to slip it by her.

She wasnt having any of that.

I dunno, Im used to suffering by my lonesome.

Although its nothing she wouldnt do for any other friend of hers, Im truly not used to anyone being more than mildly concerned for me.

Its times like this I wish ....

I dunno. I always brace myself for the worst from some people.... so I try to be ornery and independent.

Its times like this I realize in doing that.. it brings out the worst in myself.

And thats a disservice to her heart.

Yeah, theres is a reason Im going through this now. Im trying to be a better man.

And she is making me want to.


That's all.

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