Monday, April 15, 2002

I got dive-bombed again...

As I walked past the jay's territory, I knew it was up to sumthin - making an angry, low pitched "kreeeeeeeeeee" sound.

Sneaky mofo too. Wasnt gonna divebomb to my face as I approached. Nuh-uh.

Waited till my my back was turned, walking away.

But hey, I had my spidey sense (and common-sense) on, so I kept my head on a swivel and my ears open.

Sure enough, it banzai'd behind me at face level.
*pshaah* Im a Chicagah boy. I dont play that shytte.

I. Dont. Duck.

As it came, I swivelled, waited for it to complete its swoop toward my face .. and ..*SWIFF*

HOO HOO... boyoboy. I never seen such a frantic abort, wings and feathers akimbo, as a 50 lb backpack missed it by nanometers.
Damn. I forgot to swing from the hips.

It tried another half-hearted attack, but it veered off as it saw me cock the bag again. Coward.

Lemme make a contribution to the Sierra Fund now, cause Im on a jay hunt.

This.. is war.

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