Wednesday, May 22, 2002

The Way I Walk.

When I go walkabout, I usually have to have a reason to go somewhere.
Once I find that reason, I have a destination.

The actual journey itself though, is never really planned out.

Walkabout means going from Point A in the direction of Point B.

In other words, I go walkabout exponentially.

This partially explains how I ended up in Mississippi and North Carolina on my way to New York. Or how I wandered Kentucky, Southern Indiana and Southern Ohio on my way to Florida. Or how I got to Florida on my way to California.

Walkabout exponentially. I like that.

Sunday morning, the destination was Starbux coffee. Which meant I would be going in the direction of downtown Ft Lauderdale.

Which meant I was going walkabout.

A thought occurred to me as I was lost, driving around...

What? You have to become lost to find out where you are.

Sometimes you wanna be lost to get somewhere.

Anyhoo, a thought occurred to me as I was looking around as I drove..

One of the things I did in New York was to take pictures of signs.

Signs define an area....

So here are some random signs from that walkabout.

Noo comment.

Booby Trap. Free Lunch.

Boobies. Lunch.

Sounds like a deal.

However at the Jiggles Cabaret, there is no free lunch, but Happy Hour lasts until 9 pm. Hey now.

In the city of Plantation, west of Fort Lauderdale, they take speeding very seriously.

Very seriously.

The heavy condensation in the window showed the mugginess of the approaching rain

And sensing the approaching rain (clued in by the large drops falling on the windshield), I decided it was time to get my sunday coffee.

With the coffee, dark chocolate and Sunday NewYork Post in hand I headed home ahead of the approaching downpours.

Home in the Rain

I like the rain.

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