Thursday, August 05, 2004

Home district

Riding around
The City, Im starting to recognise the distinct neighborhoods now.

Lottsa "For Rent" signs in every district.

Making start to look at the place as to where I wouldnt mind hanging out.

JPennant: Mmm. Housing is coming available here in SF
McClint: how so?
JPennant: two years, this woulda been unheard of
JPennant: Im seeing a shitload of "For Rent" signs in EVERY neighborhood Ive trundled through
JPennant: granted, the majority of these mofos are looking for 4 figure rents
McClint: that one's 500/mo?
JPennant: yar
McClint: is it like a 40sqft closet?
JPennant: LOL. Prolly is. :-)
JPennant: but shit, even this.. as crappy a cockroach hole as it sounds, is unbelievable
McClint: hehehe
McClint: my ex lives in an apt that's about 700sq ft for less than 600/mo here in jax
JPennant: hell I was paying $520 for a 2 bedroom on broward before I left Jax
McClint: sounds about right
JPennant: yup
JPennant: this is San Francisco :-)
McClint: multiply Jax rent by 5
JPennant: the average is closer to $1200 - $1500 for a 1 bedroom. Far more if its a desirable neighborhood
JPennant: Oooh, living in CHinatown
JPennant: The noises, the smells
McClint: the weird languages
McClint: hehehe
JPennant: at least I get to catch some of the language.
JPennant: read the menus
JPennant: *very* important
McClint: hehehee
JPennant: :)
McClint: READING the menu is different from actually placing your order in the language
JPennant: my point zactly
JPennant: If you could, what parts of SF would you like to live?
k a t e: presidio:-)
k a t e: hehe
JPennant: heheh. :-)

(She's joking of course, since The Presidio is a former military base, now part of the Park Service and definitely off-limits to Civilians Without Juice. Then again, she's not really joking, as this place is prime real estate, views and whatnot..)

k a t e: i love up where the castro is. that area...not necessarily the castro, but the surrounding areas around and above it
k a t e: i like near university of san francisco and golden gate park alot
JPennant: ooh yeah
k a t e: why? you gonna buy me a house there?
JPennant: Shoot, I might give you a couch to rest on :-)
JPennant: heheh
JPennant: you should see the "For rent" signs all over the place. In EVERY neighborhood.
JPennant: Been checking the listings on craigslist, wandering the nbeighborhoods
JPennant: I like the neighborhoods youve been talking about...
JPennant: also Potrero Hill, Taraval, Forest Hills too
JPennant: yeah, Im looking
JPennant: I dunno bout buying no house tho
k a t e: buying -- ugh
k a t e: i wish i could
JPennant: You will
JPennant: of this Im sure
k a t e: well, i certainly appreciate the faith
JPennant: Ive never under-estimated your determination
JPennant: yes, some day soon you will be in a position to buy, amazing no one but yourself :-D
k a t e: wonderful!!
k a t e: :-)
JPennant: heheh

The way things are looking, its gonna be the Tenderloin area.

Aint nuthin tender about the place, either.

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