Sunday, January 14, 2001


I did not realize I was a person who is easily amused, but hell.

The cat amuses me. Greatly.

The Ultimate Predator, who gets his head stuck in his masters boots.

Who attempts to claw me from behind the door as I exit the bathroom.

(Having learned this tactic early, I easily sidestep the swipe, and scratch behind his ears as he swipes in the air, puzzled at having missed. Prolly wonders why he wont be passing his hunting exam anytime soon...)

Who pats me down thoroughly when he can smell my great addiction, lox, as I bring the smelly smoked salmon into the house.

(Why do cats go nuts at the smell of fish?)

Who jumps into my lap and lays down on my chest when he feels the need for some love.

Who grunts when he leaps down, gets winded after a few minutes of exercise (me flinging the catnip bag around and him chasing it), and yet, can silently bound up several feet in the air or up the stairs with little effort.

Who pads into the office, yawns and meows/chirps at me when I stay up too late at the computer.

Ehh, he just amuses me greatly.

Tish wrote back for clarification, as the message I left on her cell was a bit.. unclear.

I was unclear because I was freakin' out. Hear?

Actually, I was freaking out because my very last bottle of Cole's Orange Blossom Honey (only available at Safeway in Cali) was almost done.

Rich, sweet and intense, I now cant drink my Green Tea without the schtuff.

So, what started out as a simple "Hows my girl doin?" rapidly turned into an incoherent freak-out jag because I was talking and looking at that nearly empty bottle at the same time.

She gently reassured me that she was near a Safeway's and would be happy to bring back a bottle for me.

She's a kind heart. She cant stand to hear someone in such obvious pain.

Now, to keep me on an even keel, Im wondering if a few of my Cali folk wouldnt wanna consider helping a brutha out wit a care package from time to time.....

Im only down to a few spoonfulls.

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