Tuesday, June 12, 2001

Item on Bloomberg Radio news...

Business at plastic surgeons has been down 20% this year, the first drop since 1998, where elective cosmetic surgeries had soared 400% between 1998 and 2000.

One Philadelphia surgeon noted that starting around last September, pre-surgery consultations had dropped sharply.

"Some people listen to the business news to see how the economy is going. I listen to topless dancers...."


I thought the pilot light went out. Yes it did.

When the water heater's casing broke and dripped water all over the flame.



I swear I knew I needed to check it.

First a dead fridge. Which became a new fridge that DIES within a week of being delivered.

It took a long time for the gas to be turned on, so I had no hot water for a long time.

And now THIS??



I need a shower to cool down and get some sleep.

Wait, there is no hot water.



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