Saturday, April 27, 2002

"Dont trust *anybody* there. Only trust **********. "
"Dont get too close to anybody."
"Theyre all playing games."

Etceterah etceterah etceterah.

What gets me about that is that I have to take people at face value. So when I keep hearing this, I have to pay attention, and yet try to not to be prejudiced toward folk.

It aint easy.

It is far easier to fall into a state of negativity and paranoia.
(Personally, I find paranoia to be rather useful ;-)

But, Id rather be thankful and enjoy what is good.

Because in a way - you get what you give.

Id rather not give negativity.

What is ironic in all the advice I might get about the dangers of people I dont know - few bother to give me the most important advice:

Be trust worthy.

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