Thursday, May 30, 2002

Woke up. This mornin. Got myself.

I woke up this morning, needing peace.. resolution.. sustenance.

I tried remembering my dreams, usually something I can chew on to figure out whats going on. But they were muddled, slipping away into the nether of ether.


I do remember one thing

In bed
Her: You know I cant.
Me: It doesnt matter. I'll take what we can get.

Waaait one effing minute. Take what I can get? No. Thats no way to live.

But its still in my head, so.. Im thinking its because I havent found an alternative in nearly two years.

I woke up needing peace.. resolution.. sustenance...

Mary Forrest writes:

I am not about what I have done or where I have been. I am about what I am becoming. And what I will have left behind.

I no longer feel at risk or lost."

Right. Exactly. So why am I waking up feeling this need for release.. peace... sustenance...

Wait a minnit, wait a minnit

Opportunities are sprouting all around me and Im stressing about what wasnt and what might not be????

WTF am I thinking??

As today's horrorscope sez..

What you're worrying about may seem important now, but a few weeks from now, you'll look back and wonder how you ever allowed yourself to get so worked up about it.
With that thought in mind, why not save yourself some anguish and put it out of your mind altogether?
Find something more positive to focus your attention on.

Damned right.

From Matt Haughey's site
THIS JUST IN: MetaFilter is unfortunately down for the next 48 hours, due to a Microsoft IIS patch snafu. Periodically, applying security updates and rebooting results in lock-ups, so I can't contact the server or administer it remotely.
My host is coming back from a vacation in Italy on Sunday, after which, the server should be back online.

Thank you Microsoft.

My feeling exactly.

I COULD install Exchange Server. SQL Server. Suuuuure. That would fix all my problems right?

Ch.yeah. The other night I installed security patches to Win2000 workstations, and they stopped working properly.

Took me all night to get em up and running agian.

Fix my problems?

This is Microsoft. See above.

Its like giving in too easily.


I am sorry to hear. Condolences and good wishes to you and yours.

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