Saturday, June 01, 2002

Jamaicans, as a rule, tend to be class conscious. Pride, ya know.

Also, as a rule - they heartily dislike being categorized.

Prickly pride, dontcha know.

I bring this up to explain why it is that Jamaicans tend to spread themselves out and not settle into ethnic ghettos.

That isnt quite accurate, but Ive been here for awhile - and I havent seen any strikingly Jamaican areas in South Florida.
And there are hundreds of thousands here. Hell, even in this upper-middle class area, there are several on this street alone.
( Although because several are white Jamaicans, the accents are minimal and theyve intermarried into other cultures - they dont get classified as ethnic..)

I say this, because as I get ready to leave - I havent had any Jamaican food while Ive been here.

Im not sure why this didnt occur to me before.

Im craving patties.

Im up and watching several newsmagazines aimed at different national groups.

One is 'Jamaican Magazine' which is actually put out by the Jamaican government.

Heh. The voices brings back memories.

The thick accents of the anchors. The multi-cultures that are represented.

Black, Indian, Chinese, Korean, European and mixes there-in...

All speaking in thick patois-accented english.

Theyre reporting on the heavy rains and flooding this past week - reading off local places half-forgotten, a melange of British, Spanish and Arawak names.

Ive met quite a few Jamaicans while Ive been here, and theyve all asked me if I wanted to stay in South Florida and add my expertise to entreprenurial enterprises.

Ive demurred so far. Partly because I dont really envision living here in Florida, as Ive learned that the best way to live in Florida is to make your money elsewhere.
Theyve even told me of some other ventures in Jamaica itself that Ive been asked to consider.

I havent changed my mind or plans.

But as I watch this program, its something to think about.

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