Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Random Jax

I dunno why, but religious grafitti just tickles me.

Ive been feening for Hardee's biscuits for years now.

Say to an expatriate southerner... 'Hardee's Biscuits', and a dreamy-eyed look will come over their faces.

Light, fluffy, buttery - when done properly.

Go Jagwahrs.

After my Chicago Bears of course.

In 7 years, I never really moved around much while in Jacksonville. I only lived in 3 places.

So, while around the SouthSide, I went by my sisters old townhouse. The first place I stayed when I got to Jax.

Funny, it was exactly how I remembered it, and yet with the passage of time - it was exactly as I remembered it. If you know what I mean.

A cookie cutter townhouse apartment complex. Slightly upscale, but depressing like many others around FLorida and Georgia.. built for new arrivals and military families mostly.

Up until then, I adored townhomes.

Now.. Id like space between me and my neighbors.

Eh, it was never really home.. so it didnt feel like I was going home again.

Around the corner was a little creek - no more than a ditch really.

But I was hella fascinated by it.

In it lived bass, pike, I think even trout... also red snapper turtles.


It was an awesome sight to look at the fast running stream.. until some yahoo dumped petroleum waste into a drainage ditch upstream.

It was a kill zone. No life.

I look at it now, 6 years later and life has returned to the fast running water.. but its lotta weeds, smaller fish, no turtles.

Its not like it was

It never is I guess.

Location, location

Heh. This used to be a McDonalds. Great location.

Unfortunately, it competed with another one less than a half a mile down the road, which had a BETTER location.

And as a financier once told me... it aint the fast food business.. its a real estate business.

So now *giggle* Its a fast food chinese joint.

How random.

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