Thursday, July 25, 2002

Yellow Nostalgique

Two more of my images googled:

- Wall Street
Trump Building
"No Parking Zone"

July 2000

As I was walking up Wall Street, I saw this picture of the yellow penis-mobile (Lamborghini Diablo) left in a no-parking zone, in the middle of the day on effing Wall Street. In a no-parking zone. With the young woman left to keep the thing from being towed or molested.
What would *you* do?
I held the camera over my head and snapped.
The young, leggy blonde was uncomfy with all the stares and attention.
Uh yeah.

I needed to take those images. :-)

Kate, if I recall, got a kick out of them. :-)
No penis mobile this, but at the time vewwy vewwy popular with the in crowd.

Sixth Avenue and 28th Street
Fashion and Wholesale District
"Yellow Rain Bug"

- September 2001

Me and the Cappy were traversing the area, checking out business opps (as Earth Signs are wont to do). The Cappy being a born and bred Joisey Girl, but with the inherent speed of a New Yorker was leaving me behind.. so I had little time to check the exposure before I snapped.

At first I thought this was a similiar pic I had taken in Oakland's Chinatown, but nah.

The store in front of THAT buggy had Shark-fins on hooks, instead of this one where the only things on hooks were clothes.

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