Saturday, March 08, 2003

Holding on Yellow Alert

And still, Im getting indications from the firewall proggie (why o why didnt I install the blamed thing sooner) that my machine is sending out backdoor virus signals, but Norton sez Im all clear. Hrmm.

It had said all clear before too.

I know I seem to be chasing ghost and delusions, but even well-hidden vermin always give off signals that they exist.

Just gotta pay attention.

Paranoia Security watch level, still holding on 'Yellow".

CHooper: hiya - whats new
JPennant: hey. hunting backdoor virii.
CHooper: huh
JPennant: viruses that allow people to take over your machine over the internet
CHooper: why would you do that
JPennant: someone dropped one on my machine
CHooper: ah that sucks
JPennant: I cleared it out, but Im still hearing mice in the walls
CHooper: hehe
JPennant: Eh. Things happen, usually turns out beneficial.
JPennant: Also redesigning my site
CHooper: cool
JPennant: (and future sites)
JPennant: xml, databases and moveable type, oh my.
CHooper: so whats new in America
she's in London
JPennant: Jittery. Divided.
JPennant: Looking for scapegoats on both sides.
CHooper: are we talking about war?
JPennant: yup

And then we went onto other subjects....

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