Wednesday, November 26, 2003

"Did I do right?"

My aunty Teri-Lei (my hawai'ian connection here in Oakland), after I welcomed her back from seeing fam in the islands and Vegas..

"WHAT? Boy! Hello?? That was Happy Christmas Merry Birthday! That was GOD looking out for you!"

Teri, bely-ing her sweet, prissy appearance is EXTREMELY pragmatic and streetwise. And a Scorpio. Do not wanna fuck wit her. Really. (Scorp friends are sweet and scary at the same time...)

Anyhoo, she continued

"Hello? GOD was answering your prayers! He KNOWS you need the cash to get your stuff done. THIS was him taking care of you!"

"Yeah. It could very well have been."

"He got around to you cuz he was busy in Iraq. You shoulda kept it."

"Ok, ok.. let me ask someone else... Judy, whatya think.."

Judy, sweet, kind, Berkeleyite from way back, waited as I related this..

"I HOPE you didnt leave it there. I TRULY hope you didnt walk away from it."

"No. I took it.."

"GOOD. That was a godsend for you."

"I decided to get it to the owner."

"Oh, it had the address label on it?"


"Did you get a reward?"

"Nuh uh."

"Oh my god.."

"Well, I didnt ask for money.. I asked him to give me a call if he needed a tech.."

"Oh, well good. Well, it coulda helped you a lot to keep it, but you did the right thing."

"See, Teri?"

"Yeah, well. If God gives you another Merry Birthday Happy Christmas gift like this.. KEEP it next time."

"I'll think about it. :-)"

"You'd better."


At least she looks out for me.

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