Tuesday, August 24, 2004

San Francisco likes to be quirky.. and sometimes just a streetcar ride will demonstrate this.

Like just this morning:

f-line conductor: ".... embarcadero and Greenwich.. pier 29.. Fog City Dumpster, err.. Diner.."

Sign on a MUNI bus: A Express - Sorry No Passengers

On a passing streetcar: F-line - No particular destination

How different can you be as someone who wants to stand out from the crowd by dressing gothy/punk-y/indie et al when in this city there is a jillion people doing their own thing dressing.. differently.

One guy, ive seen around wears a crown, an expensive lizardskin jacket, and sweatpants. Always the crown, day or night, rain or shine.

Guys wearing skirts are a dime a dozen.

Seen some fantastic kilts.

Rastafarian dreads with gigantic nose-rings. Check.

Grandpa biker dude with full-length leg chaps singing showtimes. Naturally.

So, goth spiked jacket with patches showing dead jackalopes... no big whoop.

Or, just now - a perfectly ambulatory guy, wheeling around a folded wheelchair in the library.

Must be a perfectly good reason.
At the library some time ago, a nice young lady offered to give me her old laptop, in exchange for retrieving something off it.

Awful nice of her to offer. I was a bit surprised that someone would do that.

In relating this to a friend, he said, "Ahh, thats the sort of thing that happens in San Francisco all the time."

That explains what just happened.

A library patron saw my cracked screen, took pity on me, and said to call him for he might have an old laptop with a screen I can use to replace this one.

I think both had second thoughts after they offered, but Im quite blown away that they even did.


Its San Francisco, man.

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