Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Looking under "H" for "Hawai'i"

JPennant: http://honolulu.craigslist.org/sad/41433897.html

Network/Internet specialist needed. Oceanfront view!

Reply to: ***************
Date: 2004-09-04, 11:39AM HST

Thinking of moving to Hawaii? The pay is soso, but da lifestyle is great!

Need a part time person to manage a internet/business center located in one of the resorts on the Big Island of Hawaii, about 100 feet from the Pacific Ocean, overlooking the hotel pool and lounge.

Job location is Kona, Hawaii
Compensation: The pay is starts at $9/hr, could become full-time w/benefits.
This is a part-time job.

McClint: golly
McClint: $9/hr?
McClint: you'd need another job to afford rent
JPennant: good point :-)
JPennant: but if i lived on a SHIP!!!
JPennant: oooh
JPennant: ;-)
McClint: hehehe
McClint: hopefully you'll hear something
JPennant: yeah
JPennant: Im figuring out how to make it not the end of the world if I dont hear anything by the end of the week
McClint: did they give you a timeframe?
JPennant: yeah, they told me eight days
McClint: k
JPennant: im gonna give them till the weekend, then stop thinking about it
JPennant: you can tell I have little faith with how the world works :-)
McClint: :-)
JPennant: http://www.craigslist.org/sby/rid/42078204.html

Need car ride to Hawaii (santa cruz)

Reply to: ***********************
Date: 2004-09-13, 12:06AM PDT

I need a car ride to hawaii for next weekend. I'll help pay for gas and chip in for food if necessary. Please let me know by e-mailing me ASAP as I need to figure out whether I'm taking a ride or if i should take a plane instead. Preferably to the main island, but would be able to go to other ones if possible as well. Again, let me know asap so that I can make arrangements, if not I will be forced to buy a ticket for the weekend. I need to be in Hawaii in two weeks...whichever works and whichever is cheapest.

JPennant: im speechless

JPennant: He'll chip in for gas.
McClint: well at least he's no mooch

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