Friday, September 17, 2004

Warm fuzzies

The more
enamored you become of a place, the more you gloss over the bad points. Start seeing them as positives, even..

New York, you overlook the dirt, grit and smells of the place.

Chi-town, the disadvantages of being in the middle of the country.

San Francisco, the everpresent chill, starting to like it when its mild (people smelll less, cuz they sweat less..)

But when the wind turned around noon, as I walked out of the Cup-a-Joe coffee shop on hayes and ashbury, signalling a change in the warmth we've been having this past week or so .. I didnt like it.

A body is used to pretty even temperatures. Not abrupt changes in wind and temps.

This reminds me that I cannot be comfy here.

In real life, im not particularly demonstrative, just to those Im comfortable with and have known.

Still, i hold back more often than not. I try to keep the mushiness factor down.

I was thinking about this today, so naturally along comes today's horrorscope:


You will be intensely practical in everything you do today. While that may be good news for your job, and for money matters and business issues, it may not be quite so good for more personal things such as family relationships and affairs of the heart.
Remember, those who love you need to be reminded occasionally that you still care about them.

As i said, i was thinking about this today. Like how im often standoffish to even the people I care about, so I decided to give some fuzzy.

Normally i dont disturb her when she's working, but..

JPennant: (((hug)))
JPennant: figure you need a little of that today. :-)
JPennant: dont ask. Im trying to change how I am with the folk I care aboot.
k a t e: ahhhh you are sweet
k a t e: ((((HUG)))) back at ya
JPennant: :-D
JPennant: thanx pal. I needed that.
JPennant: you doin ok?
k a t e: yeah
k a t e: frustrated with ******
(snip of her bizness)
JPennant: id be talking to a supervisor by now
JPennant: can you get any work done without it?
k a t e: i have
k a t e: believe me
JPennant: hopefully they'll get the giddyup in their step by this weekend
JPennant: anything else harshing yer mellow?
JPennant: <-- (learning california speek, dude)
k a t e: hehe
k a t e: nope - just that
k a t e: looking forward to a vodka tonic on my train ride home
k a t e: yipeeeee
JPennant: LOL
JPennant: tgif :-)
k a t e: c ya lata alligata
JPennant: be good n' stuff m'dear :-)
k a t e: always
k a t e: :-)
JPennant: heh

k a t e signed off at 1:57:20 PM

Maybe i should do this more often?

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