Sunday, March 11, 2001


Hmm.. must be sumthing about furry, purry cats curled up with ya on a couch that'll put you into a deep sleep...

In this case tho, it must've been the vastly-more-boring-than-anticipated showing of The Lone Gunmen that had me snoring on the couch curled up with Moo faster than a rhino-jacking dose of Nyquil....
"A dozen bagels.. oh, and a plain bagel with lox."

"No cream cheese?"


"Fresh lox?"

Fresh lox? There are other kinds? Damn, Im still a tourist.. ohkay.. executive decision...

"Uh yeah."

To the guy ringing up my purchases...

"...Bagel wit lox.. 5 dollars..."

"Wait. FIVE dollars??!!!"

"Yeah, thats why I asked you 'fresh' lox."

"Dude.. still.. FIVE DOLLARS???"

"Lox is 20 bux a pound."

Please. I can get Lox for TEN bux a pound. But thats in Brooklyn. And I was standing at a bagel joint in Staten Island, seriously jonesing for a hot bagel wit lox this morning. I shoulda haggled.

It was good, but FIVE DOLLARS?? Gottdamn.

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