Monday, April 23, 2001

A dream tonite:

Im in a Survivor type .. show.. I think.

Odd, since Ive never watched any of that crapp all the way past the first commercial.

A group of folk are given random amounts of money, and handicapped in various ways - and are supposed to survive, in various ways, in the remote but luxurious hideaways of celebrities.

The celebrities are a part of the game, hindering and helping the contestants they like or dont like.

The celebrities seem to be overly tanned former nebbishes, trying to act.. down to earth.. and managing to come off as affected toward the end.

I only remember Steven Spielberg and his wife - as I dont keep track of celebrities.

I manage to lose in the first game. Cause the rules were random and I couldnt keep track.

So I use my almighty power of owning my own dreams to get back into the game.

And do better. :-)

What was funny, toward the end of the dream, I walk in a hallway and bump into Barbra Streisand... and utter a pleasantry.

She stops, with a tray of hors d'ovres in her hands and snaps.. "Look, dont deal with me." And walks away.

Even in my dreams, she's a bitch. She cant get a break. :-)

I think i won the game.

I think I cheated. :-)

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