Monday, April 23, 2001

Like Rashid, I didnt like Mark the first time I met him while working at AOL.
Too tall, too arrogant, too handsome.
Like Rashid, over time, I found we were kindred spirits in a lotta ways.

Primarily, we are both determined to live our lives our own way, no matter the consequences.

He popped up on IM, havent seen him on in a long while

JPennant: YO MARK!!! Wassup, boss?
IO: naked dj
JPennant: nut :-)
IO: at unf for the art department
UNF = University of North Florida
JPennant: student, teaching, teching or modeling?
IO: how'r u?
JPennant: Oh, very broke, unemployed and happy.
IO: modeling... i'm much the same
JPennant: heheh
JPennant: hey, play to your strengths
IO: definitely so... been drumming and flying my kite a lot
JPennant: yeah, you gotta be who you are
JPennant: I just realized that my resume has gotten out of date. I need to overhaul it
IO: been ages since i did mine or sent it anywhere... life is so much more fun as such
JPennant: yeah, if i could find ways to pay the basics while doing that...
JPennant: just moved into a place.... cant figure out a way to pay the rent.. but Im here.
IO: few moments i must shower and head to unf for my next adventure as a naked spy
JPennant: LOL
JPennant: whats your current contact info. Im updating my database
IO: i'm between places.... pro tour couch surfer
IO: but i gotta new car
(He has grimly hung onto his 74 VW bus for years)
JPennant: oh cool! Wha kind?
IO: just look for the red ultra-pimp '59 T-bird
JPennant: you lie :-)
IO: got her on valentines day
JPennant: ummm.. aright. send me a picture :-)
IO: i'll take pictures sommetime
JPennant: righteous
IO: ULTRA-pimp even has fuzzy dice
IO: =)
JPennant: heehee
JPennant: whats your current email and IM?
IO: mark_*****
JPennant: okie
IO: rarely im... you're first this year i think
JPennant: hmmm.. aright. i'll keep this and myndgroov up then.
IO: phone is out at the moment, maybe back on later this week...
JPennant: so is mine
JPennant: but I'll track that
JPennant: aright pa.. I'll catch u on the upside :-)
IO: cool... i'm glad we could chat for a few
JPennant: yep :-)
IO: see ya soon Joe
JPennant: later mark
IO: :-D

Like my other Cappy friends, loyal and generous..

He has also turned me onto the most INTERESTING porn.. :-)

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