Saturday, May 12, 2001

Down Broadway and around Wall Street area mostly, there are street vendors selling books, and many (mostly indian and pakistani immigrants) have specialized in selling naught but technical books to cater to all the tech types making bank in the financial industry..

Their stock is pretty impressive.

However, Ive been on the hunt for Solaris books.. and walking down Broad Street yesterday, I found one.

But the vendor wasnt around, so his vendor buddy was watching out for him.

I picked up the book, flipped through it, saw that it was EXACTLY what I needed, and the price was clearly marked on it.. 20 bux for a 60 dollar book.

Cool. I tried to haggle it down further.

I NEVER pay full price on the street anymore. Ive learned. I haggle now.

Unfortunately, this wasnt his cart. So he refused to budge from the 20 bux.

He wasnt authorized to haggle. Shit.

New York rule #24:

Once youve opened your opening offer, unless its an exceptional bargain that you cant find elsewhere.. be prepared to walk. And if an offer isnt made, walk. You will find it elsewhere.

Dont lose face paying full price.

Remember the rallying cry of savvy New Yorkers..

"EVERYTHING in New Yawk is five dollahs."

I tried to cajole him into negotiating, but he had a code.

He couldnt haggle on the stock that wasnt his.

So I walked.

Ah well, I really dont have the cash to be buying anything anyway, even though this was important.

I gotta make everything stretch until I got cash flowing again.

If only he had haggled tho...
Ugh. Im jonesing for a patty.

Hell, I had TWO in Brooklyn yesterday.. and not the mass produced ones either.

The big ones. With properly spiced meat, flaky crust, and the ever so righteous cocoa bread to hold them in.

All baked on premises.


That shoulda sated me for a month.

But no Im craving.

If it werent for the allergies, I would go to Brooklyn right now.


Damn, this craving might make me do something stupid.. like go out and buy a chalupa....

Under the category of if its not one thing, its another..

Now the electricity to my bathroom is out, and the breakers seem to be working.


Gotta have electricity to read in the library and to idly check yer zits...
If its not one thing.. Part II

And now &$%#$%*% blogger is unable to update.

Between it losing my archives for most of this year and this...


Hasnt he heard of redundancy and NOT putting changes on your main machines first??


So what if im not paying for this. The community is STILL paying (indirectly and directly) his daily bread and contacts by using blogger.

Changes shall be made.

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