Thursday, May 24, 2001

The sun is shining, there is a cool breeze, the *%$#&$% pollen is low.

Not a bad day so far.....

And my horroscope for today isnt looking too shabby either...

A chance of a lifetime is being presented. Make sacrifices to get opportunities. Remember, first impressions count. A Scorpio has helpful advice. Take it.

Believe it or not, you have what it takes to succeed. So why do you have so many doubts about yourself?
Someone in authority will encourage you to be more ambitious today.
He believes in you, so isn't it time you started believing in yourself?

If you need to ask a favor of someone in authority, do it now. Planetary activity at the midheaven angle of your chart makes it easy for you to approach important people, and if you flatter them, they'll give you what you want. Make the most of it. It won't always be this easy.

Hmm. Okie.

Excuse me, Im off to Manhattan to go talk about money with folk who make more than I do.

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