Wednesday, June 06, 2001

Okay.. this is brilliant.

This is effing brilliant.


Ovaltine Frappacinos.

Ovaltine Latte's.

Mmm yah.

Make it with the strong, harsh colonial versions (ie: British, Hong Kong, Trinidadian etc) and youve got yourself an automatic winner.

Starbux, I give this idea freely. Go. Serve it and they will come.

I would LIVE at Starbux if they offered it. (Not that I wouldnt be there anyways, but..)

gg: Uhhh, yeah Joe. You REALLY have your hand on the pulse of the american experience.

*blink* Whaddya mean. Shit.. part of the reason I love NewYork is that I can find Ovaltine stuff from all over the world in almost any Brooklyn neighborhood.

Shooo. Fuhgeddaboutit.

Man, this is high energy and addictive comfort food. Add the espresso shots and you cant miss.

It would work. Im tellin' ya..slap a snooty coffee shop logo on it and serve.

They will come.

JPennant: Last night, being the asshole made me consider if this is something I should be doing.
Nancy: not should be.... want to be doing....
JPennant: the difference has become indistinguishable, really.
Nancy: then something is wrong... if you really want to be doing it then you'd have no doubts...
JPennant: Its not doubt
JPennant: Its the realization that in doing this, I have to change in ways I didnt anticipate to accomodate it.
Nancy: yep...
Nancy: one of the things ****** has realized too...
JPennant: yeah?
Nancy: it aint easy to compromise sometimes...
JPennant: Sure isnt.
JPennant: yep, youre right
JPennant: plus I dont want to drive away ALL my friends. sheesh.
Nancy: heeeheee

JPennant: LOL
JPennant: Im listening to Bloomberg Radio
JPennant: and the place that served the Bush girls their margaritas, are now being investigated by the Texas Liquor Commission
Nancy: ah duh....
JPennant: and they quote the manager as saying
JPennant: "Maybe it was a mistake calling 911 to report the Bush girls." :-)
Nancy: oh god
Nancy: texas people ::::shudder::::
JPennant: <--- dyin laffin

(Texas folk, dont go sending Nancy yer hatred. I find New York natives oft have an antipathy to things Texan. Not sure why....)
T and the FireTruck

I DO remember it being cold beyond belief that night.

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