Sunday, March 31, 2002

Now i realize what it is about South Florida that doesnt jibe with my expectation of it.

The money? No. How crowded it is? No.

The biggest surprise is how much concrete is here.

There arent any many, if any wooden buildings, the streets are well paved, and holy of holies.. almost every street has curbs and sidewalks.

See, my impression of florida was based on living in NORTH Florida, where there is beaucoup land and many parts of it is still country.

Curbs and sidewalks are not at all common.

But since Miami and its environs have been under development since the 20's.. there is just a lot of concrete everywhere.

A lot of polish to what I thought would be country, lets say.

Plus, concrete lasts longer I guess in the harsh heat and sun.

I know.. a trivial epiphany to most people - but something that has me rethinking what I see here.

As they say, the more you look - the more you see.

There are a lot more stories going on than I thought.

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