Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Giving credit...

A crisp synopsis of my site:

"More than a journal, it's Life in New York. I love
this site. The author augments his chronicles with
pictures he's taken throughout the day, bringing his
life off the page and into clear focus. Sort of like
going from watercolors to oils, in my opinion.

Its been a few years hence, but..

DAMN. I STILL like that.

The woman who came up with the phrase "Itinerant in NY" those many years ago (I wasnt wild about it initially, but now, yeah) is at it again.

She uses phrases that I end up using a LOT.

Her catchphrases have great visual appeal.

Her term "quotey fingers" is now firmly esconced in my vocabulary.
The 'Itinerant' dealie has proven muy versatile and is now the name of my company and endeavors. Hell, even of me.
And the choice "going from watercolors to oil" actually inspires me, going down with a nice taste every time..

Now, Angeline has flipped off a piece that has me saying "I wish I had thought of that too".

To wit:

I am just *flaps hands* all over the place lately. I know.

NEAT, huh? :-)

<--- just grins and keeps repeating "I am just *flaps hands* all over the place."..


She is so cool. :-)
Although darlin, that idea about the minty fresh drinking water - I dunno.

Although, it does have a certain appeal.. hmm.

You know, hmm.

Aquarians. Just slightly ahead of their time.


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