Thursday, July 24, 2003

My schtick

(paraphrased from many, many conversations)

"Youve got a great con going there."
"Huh? Con?? "
"You and your camera. You go up to pretty women all the time and get their phone and emails.."
"Nah, Im just taking pictures. The main reason I GET contact information is because I dont have an agenda."
"Riiiiight. Man, if I had a camera like yours Id be walking around making out like a bandit."
"Dude. I rarely follow up on them anyway."
"I KNOW!!! Here I am chasing after ANY woman that looks my way, and you have women youre not even CALLING."
"Heh. Its not a schtick. Im just taking pictures, man."
"Yeah, well. Im jealous... its a great schtick."

It is ironic. Im not a meeter-greeter kinda guy, and I dont say hello or even smile to everyone on the street.

Im not even all that friendly normally.

And yet, I do what he sez.

Heh. The "schtarving artist". Heh. Yah right, thats my schtick. :-)

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