Tuesday, July 22, 2003


"Going through a breakup, your emotions are going to go up and down - so you'll need to make sure you continue the treatments."
"Oh. Ok."

This would be me after accupuncture this morning.

This is Berkeley. And in Berkeley, if you are low income or homeless.. among the myriad of benefits you can get, you qualify for free accupuncture.

No shit.

See, This is Berkeley.

Now before this.. well, even now.. well. Ok, its strange.

Accupuncture. Because Im broke.


Im not knocking it. My back and neck pain, knee pain, blood pressure, stress levels.. all lowered. Im swimming in endorphins dude.

*breathe* Ok Joe.. mind open, accept. *breathe*

You sit in high back chairs, lightly scented room with lowered lights, herb teas, meditative music.. only the smell of rubbing alcohol reminding one that youre in a clinic.

Man, for an hour Im in a different world.

Im even craving coffee and doughnuts less. *gasp-o-rama*.

What else can I say?

What everyone sez when theyre trying to explain the eccentric, offbeat and .. different .. that happens here.

"This .. is Berkeley."


Speakin of endorphins, a good round of Blowing Things Up would normally make me feel a bit better, but no such Joy on this Laptop and Its Bizarro Screen.


This sucks.

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