Friday, July 25, 2003


This evening, I got 4 calls and many people checking up on me, to see if I were ok, puzzlement at my stubborn refusal to go to another shelter and offers to make my Trials and Tribulations a little easier..

Boy, Its COLD out there at night. Lemme tell ya.

A lot of support...

"Perfesser, where you staying?"
"Out and about.."
"You should go to the Richmond Shelter.."
"Nah, Im gonna tough it out."
"You need a few bucks to tide you over? Its yours, man."
"Heh. Nah, Im aright.."
"Hey look, youre my friend.. You have too much class to go through this.."
"Its much appreciated."

*ring - look at CallerID*

"Hello Ms N****"
"Just calling in to see how youre doing, if youre ok."
"Doin' fine, hon. Thank you for checking in."
"You know. Just a little concerned for you."
"Much appreciated. Thank you. Talk to you tomorrow."
"Ok. Love you."
"Love you too, m'dear."

This is emblamatic of the kind of support Ive recieved recently. As I said, this place has heart.
Theyve heard all the hard luck stories before, so folk here are friendly, but not as open as youd think, until they get to know you.

A month ago, my nickname (behind my back) at the shelter was "Narc", "Undercover" and "Journalist."
Now, its "Professor", "New York", "Cha-ching" (long story :-), "Governer".

A marked change.

I was walking into the shelter late on day (which automatically has you tossed out, but I had already made arrangements)..

"Boss! You ok?? I see you walking in late, and thats not *like* you. Unlike most of the knuckleheads around here, youve got your head on right.."

My head on straight? Ive been accused of the opposite over and over these past coupla years.

At first, I was a little puzzled at all this, as I prefer to put my head down and deal with my problems on my own, not involve anyone else...

Now I realize that Im getting paid the highest of compliments. Respect.

And the best form of respect is when people look out for you.

Which is something I never forget.

Marn sent me a nice letter of support the other day. Its doubly nice as I hold her writing in the highest esteem, but like the Canadians I count as my friends, it turns out she's a really good egg.

Made my day.

In addition, Kate, Julie, Brian and a host of others worry about me and listen to my blatherings on a daily basis. Even when they think Im being thoroughly daft.

Theyre tall on my list.

As well as Fred and George, the original sponsors of the Itinerant travels. Which is why I keep their logos on my page.

Actually, there are a bunch of people who have supported me over the years in ways big and small.

It is much appreciated.

Thanks isnt enough, but..

Thank you.

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