Tuesday, March 20, 2001

As Im talking to Cris about the merits of home-schooling...

JPennant: I would love to send my kids to school back in Jamaica.
Cris: I didn't know you had kids
JPennant: If I did
JPennant: when I do
Cris: hehe
Cris: Are you slipping Joe...hiding that secret life? :-)
JPennant: heheh. If I do.
Cris: For all I know you could be a billionaire
JPennant: Secret lives are too much work, trust me. :-)
Cris: hehe

Tax time for recently laid-off dot-commers (by Thoughtpolice).

Feel no pressure, Em. :-)
Carol calls me JoBear.

The Queen B sends me honey from Cali.

Im addicted to honey (Cole's Honey from Cali, specifically..)

(Awesome with Lemon and Green Tea)

Shit, just call me Pooh....

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