Wednesday, March 28, 2001

I had a dream this morning before I set out..

For some odd reason I was in the Secret Service, an on-call roamer to help out on security details. I helped foil a coupla attempts at the lives of The Family. One guy was even throwing sharpened butter knives like ninja stars.
At the same time I ended up staying at the house of someone who isnt speaking to me, where I was treated as an honored guest, while the person was still not speaking to me. I may have been in India too.

Oh yeah, and there were computers involved and foiled a few other attempts.

Im not gonna even try to interpret this. :-)

Since Ive started writing, my dreams have FLOWED, taking twist and turns I wish I could tap to write all kinda fiction and stories.

Kate sez itsa good thing. :-)
In trying to be organised, Ive started writing my thoughts into notebooks.

Itsa bid to be organised, because its hard trying to keep drafts, story ideas, business plans, hopes dreams and concerns all straight in my head anymore.

I think its the cause of my general state of confusion.

So, Im writing it all down so that I can make space for other things in my head.

Writing this blog serves that purpose also, I do believe.

An odd side effect to that, once I write things down.. I remember them easier.

Dave P, who has never owned a cat, pooh-poohed the idea that HappyCat actually chirps.

"Cats dont chirp, birds do."

Eric, who happens to own a cat, agreed with me.. he said his cat chirps also.

Dave countered, "Nah, thats a purr."

Then we got on that.. there is a HUGE difference between chirping and purring.

Hell, I can *feel* it in the air when HappyCat purrs.

Purrs like a demon he does. Which is why I call him HappyCat.

We argued the point for a good 25 minutes I believe.

TECHNICALLY, its not really chirping as a bird would. If pressed, I would describe it as a cross between a short, hi-pitched meow and purr.

But not really.

It does sound like chirping.

Speaking of which, HappyCat is chirping at me to get back into bed... :-)

Im gonna miss him.
I read many journals, having gotten to know some of the folk fairly well.

Sometimes I read and think I should dash off a letter to comment.

Usually I dont.

Waterbelle sez I should.

I should tho.

PART of the reason I dont, is that my first reaction is ALWAYS visceral.

Thats not always good, so I feel the need to filter it through the Virgo logic and sensibility.. stripping much of the emotion out of it.

So much so, that I usually wonder why I should bother responding. So I dont.

But she is right.. I think I should.

I'll try anyway.
Someone, in their 'alternate' journal, said that she wasnt easy to love.

I think she was just feeling a bit 'un'-loved at the time.


Yesss, Ive known many a woman who arent easy to love.

I used to take that personally too.

I used to think that NO-ONE was truly unlovable. I still dont.

But having been scarred by some women like that, I leave them alone.

They will often TELL me up front that they are unlovable.

I try to give them the benefit of the doubt when they say that.. but unfortunately - they tend to know better than I.

Sometimes they even feel the need to prove it.

By the way, this is not to make comment on my friend who wrote that or any person in particular.

Just that the statement makes me say, "Yeah..."
I wish I was a little bit taller
I wish I was a baller
I wish I had a girl
So then I could call her

I wish I had a rabbit in a hat
And a bat
and a six four father

I wish I was a little bit taller, y'all

- Skee-Lo "I Wish"

That catchy little tune I hum once in awhile.

Its a wistful little ditty that I think everyone can relate to at one time or another.

Right now, Im getting out of feeling all wistful, and focus on the things I can get and do....
Idle thought while homebound on the train -

- New Yorkers, even when dressed down, tend to look MIGHTY stylish, a lot of the clothes costing a pretty penny.

I guess I can see why this place generates so many fashion magazines.

For some people, this is their LIFE.

Cyn always said, the NY folk intimidated her somewhat with that sense of style.

Im not at all intimidated, but Im starting to appreciate it.

Just a passing thought.

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