Sunday, March 25, 2001

More than anyone else who has seen my photos.. Tito has always been urging me to find a way to give them a commercial bent.

As in postcards and prints.

Tonight, as he listened to my ideas.. he again told me why he thinks I should not waste my photos, most of them languishing on hard drives.

A 'New Yorker with the eye of a tourist' is the way he put it.

As I look through the site.. I look at many photographers being bought for the Saatchi collections, and selling in multiples of hundreds and thousands of dollars.

My god.

Color me stunned and going.... 'whoa'.

Or am I deluding myself?

Years ago, I gave up the dream of doing photography when I saw the meticulous work of Chicago's commercial artists up close.

All that talent slaving for years to produce the perfect looking ice-cream cone or Big Mac.

But now.. I dont know if I am, in fact deluding myself in thinking that I cant.
Ya gotta love New York.

Everybody has an opinion.

A goth gentleman, with sharpened fang-like incisors, was looking over my shoulder as I wrote and looking through my pictures.

He told me he liked them, wouldnt mind having a few prints.

He suggests I start making prints and signing them. Then show and display them to guage interest.

Turns out he's a businessman with two piercing and tattoo shops.

He gave me some more sound advice (dont take things too seriously, do it on the side until it becomes worthwhile, etc), shook my hand and clutching his black, varnished cane walked out with his two pretty, leather-clad and pierced young friends out the door of the Internet cafe.


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