Wednesday, March 07, 2001

In response to what I said about being poor, I had discussions with a few folk...

Actually, the line of thought started when I was talking to Kate, barely listening to me whine the other day about being poor

Me: I seriously dislike being poor
Kate: I know

And I do hate being poor. Having your options and freedom limited. And most recently - not having the wherewithal to even take folk out and pay the full tab.


However, while talking to Mars later...

JPennant: Truthfully, I sorta enjoy being poor
JPennant: dont tell nobody :-)
mars: haha why?
JPennant: Its A Bad Thing to be poor in this day and age.
JPennant: My friends are about disgusted with me, cuz they know I can make a lot of money if I so desire.
mars: oh yeah i know. but why do you enjoy it?
JPennant: I guess because it forces you to keep life simple.
mars: true

Actually, its even deeper than that.. but it would probably require an essay to expound on that thought.

Rashid and I were talking about that the other night.. his desire to go back to Jacksonville, kick back and live a life that was simpler.

I know what he means.

I got to like being unemployed and poor back in Jax, and worked either only because I had to or because I liked what I was doing.

Not too different from now.

I really do prefer my life being simple.

JPennant: But..
JPennant: It truly sucks to be poor in an expensive area.
JPennant: and dangerous.
mars: don't remind me
JPennant: If youre gonna be poor.. be poor in someplace like Florida
mars: hahaha
mars: but why would i want to go there?
JPennant: where you can actually survive on 7 dollars an hour
mars: sooo far from home!
JPennant: Even Hawaii is expensive tho, right?
mars: yar

Its dangerous to want to lead the simple life in a places like New York and San Fran, where simply being poor can have some dire consequences. In a hurry.

But still...

JPennant: I stepped right into a recession when I left high school
mars: eek
JPennant: I think it scarred me and my friends for life.
mars: o.O
JPennant: Most of my peers are are earning decent money now, but I dont think they spend money like they think it'll last forever.
JPennant: Or like theyre entitled.

Then again, Im getting old.. Ive become a like a depression era baby. No, make that a recession-era baby.. who has learned to trust nothing but the cash and carry concept.

If I dont have the cash, I aint carrying.

Debit cards were made for me.

mars: how do you get by?
JPennant: Ive been poor before. I know how to make money last.
mars: if only i knew how
JPennant: You have to be poor
mars: i somehow talked myself into buying a new jacket today
mars: *hanging head in shame*
JPennant: You have to have had to do things like go pawn stuff to make the rent money
mars: ahh
mars: friends have done that before. =/
mars: i didn't know what pawn meant before that
mars: =/

Yep. Built a lotta character back then.

I may be afraid of being cold and hungry, but I know I can survive.

Thats an important skill I think.

mars: i read an article today that said that generation and such...expect to be successful and well off like their parents automatically [instead of being poor at first like their parents once were], thereby incurring debt at a horrendous rate early on. And then I thought "yeah, I should forego the niceties in some parts of my life and go the frugal path like my parents did when they were younger." But aish. its so hard!
JPennant: I dunno if thats really true
mars: i can see how its partially true
JPennant: how?
mars: i know some people my age that don't ever seem to have money problems...they always have nice things...never any financial hardship
mars: but then, i also have some friends that whooooo..they are struggling. one friend was selling plasma like every week
JPennant: heheh. I did that the first few years I was in florida :-)
mars: o.O

Jules of LA put it best when she was telling me about some of the stuff she had to do when she and her hubby were starving students..

> I love talking about our experiences being poor as
> if I were some war veteran. Heh.

Good way to put it. :-)

JPennant: I really think everyone should struggle on their own, without depending on anyone else's money for at least a part of their lives. Preferably sooner than later.
mars: yeah really. i think i'm bordering on it now. if i lost my job i'd be homeless soon. eek
mars: *knock on wood*
JPennant: Would that be so bad?
JPennant: Not being homeless..
JPennant: but the rest of it
mars: haha
mars: no, actually, it wouldn't
mars: but the incurring of debt and being homeless part scares me
JPennant: It also forces you to deal with yourself on a basic level.
JPennant: being poor that is.
mars: yeah.
mars: but my head just keeps saying "but i don't want to do just the basics!" lol
mars: i've gotten so spoiled. heh
JPennant: Yeah, thas why you gotta be forced to do it sometimes. :-)
mars: =)

Yeah. I may not like it now, but I know it does pay off in the long run....

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