Sunday, May 27, 2001

A friend sent me some seeds in the mail to start my herb garden.

Im a little older, so I appreciate that more.

Now Im starting to understand why my father dreamt of growing stuff when he retired...

Should I sow them indoors or out?

All I know, is that a certain energy is felt when I deal with growing things.

Next, a bonsai tree.
I decided to try cookin some vegetable risotto....

I like my rice richly flavored.

For instance, when you cook Jamaican rice and peas, to cook the red beans.. you almost have to stew the stock before the rice is added.

I used to get so impatient as kid when you the process started at 9am to have the rice ready by 2 or 3 or even 4 pm.


Now, as an adult, I see why its so important to take so much time on the base, the stock.

I boiled that stock of chicken broth, garlic, pepper, olive oil.. to which I added a can of vegetable, pasta and chicken broth soup.

I left it to boil for an hour, reducing the stock and intensifying the taste.

I then added the rice, putting foil beteen the pot and cover (paper bag paper works better for rice and peas, no really) and left the pot on VERY low heat for the rice to cook.

It was good. I didnt even miss making any meat dishes.

I didnt realize there was so much involved in making stock, the base for dishes.


Yep, the age of appreciation.

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