Wednesday, May 30, 2001

Im being a right Virgo about now.

No no no... not that stereotypical "clean everything" shytte.

(Most Virgo's I know arent particularly neat anyways, dunno where they got that crapp from.... prolly from those anal-retentive Pisces people).

Im restless. My mind is going a mile a minute and I cant focus because my emotions are all over the place.

Im bouncing off the walls.

I want to NAG somebody.

Nudge somebody. Get something done. Cause chaos for the fun of it....

I know, I know - I need to focus and deal with one thing at a time.

I want to get the equipment I need RIGHT NOW to start my venture.

I want The Artist in Brazil to ANSWER HIS MAIL so I can get this t-shirt and posters stuff started.

I want to talk to the database guy so that we can get the specs down so that he can get his coding started, but he IS at work, so he wont have time till later.


&#%$%# hurry up and wait.



*look around* I guess I SHOULD clean up, the place is starting to look particularly messy....

Shit. The pollen is getting bad again.

Where did I put those meds?

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