Thursday, May 31, 2001

Hm. The sicilian folk are really warming up.

I get a VERY hearty welcome when I go get coffee now.

Granted, some of the ladies faces would shatter if they cracked a smile - but "Good morning!" and "Have a nice day!" is pretty damned close to "Come over and meet my daughter!" for sicilians.

Or so Ive heard. :-)

I think they approve of my thrifty ways.

"Yes, he too gets-a thee day-old... he's smart.. thatsa thee best way." is what one said to another customer.

"Thee italian cookies.. DONT buy-a them fresh. They SOOO much better when they bout a week old."

"Dont-a worry.. I'll throw in another for free."


Even the mobsters give me a perfunctory nod when I go by now.


How old is your daughter?

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