Sunday, April 04, 2004

Antisocial, and it feels so good... *

*(with apologies to Peaches and Herb)

I am sociable, not social.

Bonding with strangers, large parties, isnt my idea of fun.

A crowded city, a crowded coffee shop, where I can chill, where I can be part of the faceless crowd.. is.

One on one, I can be charming.

Force me, I will be cranky.

Right now, I have to be social. It doesnt fit, but Im getting good at faking it.

But, in the greater scheme of things, I have to.

I just dont wanna.

However, I think, likely, because Im making efforts to be this way.. even some longtime friends think I give a flying goddamn.

Antisocial is easy. Being social is work.

I hate work.

The above petulant rant is brought to you by the occasional need to feel that I dont need people.

Not anybody.

And resenting the fact that maybe, just maybe, I do.


No matter how much of a loner you might be, the current planetary setup insists that you make an effort to work closely with people now.

Anything done as part of a team will go exceptionally well over the next few days, but anything you do on your own will fall flat.

You can get along with others if you try - so try.

JPennant: *drum drum drum* Im cranky, and Im not sure why
McClint: lack of coffee?
JPennant: yeah. and the unavoidable fact that I need companionship when I dont really wanna bother with the drama
McClint: i know
JPennant: *grump*

McClint: "unavoidable fact that I need companionship" aka you're horny and ya got no outlet!
McClint: hahaha
JPennant: heeheehee.
JPennant: Not quite
McClint: that does make it hard to be a founding member of the He-Man Woman Haters Club
McClint: :-)
JPennant: I dont hate women, you kiddin?
McClint: well ya gotta love 'em but sometimes you just can't help but hate 'em
JPennant: nah, thats not really my problem tho

JPennant: nah, Im just railing against the fact that I need to be nice to folk
JPennant: and I dont always want to

JPennant: It pisses me off that if I come to R and I aint all ecstatic to see her, I get the deep freeze (damned Leos)
McClint: oh yes! you gotta read their minds too
JPennant: Then I have to play nice.. when I DONT really want to.
JPennant: Ohohoho, and its *never* simple
JPennant: theres always crap with mother, exes, troubled episodes yadayadayada..
JPennant: and its not just her tho.
McClint: yeah
JPennant: In my mind.. Im "I. dont. care."
McClint: amen brotha!
McClint: :-)
JPennant: heh
JPennant: at the same time, Im trying to be more open..
McClint: how so?
JPennant: sorry, I was just flirting with a chica heading out of the coffee shop.
JPennant: :-D
McClint: hehehe

JPennant: I guess Im just all kindsa cranky today
McClint: drown your sorrows in a tall venti mocha jibba jabba whosawhatzit coffee and a sugarcoated jelly donut
JPennant: You know, several people have SAID that to me today. Strongly.
JPennant: I must REALLY be a whining pain today.
McClint: hahaha. sounds like it
JPennant: heh, Im gonna excerpt part of this conversation.. (minus your business, natch). that ok?
McClint: sure
JPennant: danke

JPennant: Im still grumpy ::-)
JPennant: no Im not. thankx for helpin me kvetch :-)
McClint: no problemo. we all need to vent
JPennant: :-)

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