Friday, April 09, 2004

Lions and Aquarians and hair, oh my

mars: how are you?
JPennant: Im fine dear. You? :-)
JPennant: By the way, the attention suggestion worked like a charm.
JPennant: At the very least, it helped get me out of the Leo doghouse. ;-)
mars: yay
JPennant: heheheh
mars: if she ever feels neglected or left out, you'll be in trouble again
mars: hehe
JPennant: so, even if she acts like she doesnt want the attention, give it to her anyway, right?
mars: yup

mars signed on at 3:54:54 PM.

JPennant: sorry, I got knocked off
mars: is ok
mars: i said "what you say about physical characteristics is so true about leos and aquarians. haha"
mars: freaky
mars: =)
JPennant: LOL
JPennant: I only say stuff that I can verify ;-)
JPennant: yeah, aquarians .. they gotta be special and unique
mars: yup, that's my man
JPennant: I knew this one woman who would wear nothing but plaid jackets
JPennant: my mom would wear this old ass rabbit-trimmed corduroy jacket even though she has scads of classy coats.
JPennant: they just hate being like everybody else
mars: hehehe
mars: very interesting to know that its true for them all

JPennant: LeGirl has thick black hair that she one day chopped off
JPennant: totally butched it so she didnt have to take care of it
JPennant: except
JPennant: she has these long strands of hair behind her ears
JPennant: she didnt touch them. she just couldnt.
mars: =) i have a love/hate relationship with my hair
mars: ugh
JPennant: Its funny how Leo women will stop in front of a mirror, and the first thing they touch is their hair :-)
JPennant: You know what I figured about Leo folk that is interesting?
JPennant: They often dont like to seem that they are uppity and preening, so they will usually dress down
JPennant: casual, funky clothes a lot of the time
JPennant: and SERIOUSLY dont like to fuss with their hair
JPennant: except
JPennant: they fuss with it anyway, even if they cut it all off. :-)
JPennant: what you think?
mars: hahaha very true!

JPennant: by the way, its interesting how Leo would rather mate with Aquarians, their opposite sign
JPennant: something Im still trying to figure out why
mars: do they really?

JPennant: yeah, Leo likes something about Aquarius
mars: it kinda is funny sometimes because G and I are sometimes total opposites, but we compliment and complete each other so well
JPennant: Well, Aquarius and Leo are opposite signs
mars: does the matching always work out?
JPennant: I donno. Im still trying to figure out the dynamic
JPennant: Im still learning about Leo's ;-)
mars: =)

JPennant: heh, the other Leo/Aquarian couples I know
JPennant: the Leo's are kinda intrigued by the fact that the Aquarians can be assholes.
mars: hahahahha
JPennant: Im not sure what the dealie is with that, but there you are
mars: i don't think G is an asshole tho
mars: haha
JPennant: My theory is that they respect someone who will stand up to them
mars: ah that could be true
JPennant: again, Im still figuring it out
mars: =)

JPennant: I think people who do the best are the ones that share the same values, no matter how different they are.
mars: isn't that true of everyone tho?
JPennant: nope
mars: really?
JPennant: yeah, people often get together then find out that they have truly diferent viewpoints on dealing with life
JPennant: money and communication seem to be key points
JPennant: one example would be like
JPennant: the way they treat people
mars: i c
JPennant: say one person tries to be kind to everyone , and the other looks at people as "better than or lesser than" or treats the waiter like dirt.
JPennant: guarantee you that it wont last.
JPennant: cuz the values are too differnet
mars: yeah
mars: i see your point
JPennant: by the way
JPennant: You two are close in birthdays, I see a lot of similiarities between you and LeGirl
JPennant: down to your .. *cough* .. goofiness ;-)
JPennant: its like you two try your damndest to hide how smart you are
JPennant: even though you dont want to ever to have your intelligence disrespected.
mars: yup
mars: that would sum me up
mars: hahaha
JPennant: heh
JPennant: you are both tall. above average in height
mars: i mean, i don't want people to think i'm a know it all

mars: if you could choose which sign to have your kids born in, which would you pick?
JPennant: oh wow
mars: or at least not pick?
JPennant: I honestly dont know
JPennant: I know there are characteristics I wouldnt wanna deal with
JPennant: Cancer moodiness, Aries hard headedness, Gemini troublemaking
JPennant: heh
JPennant: but the kids are kids
JPennant: so I gotta come to them with compassion and understanding
JPennant: without them running all over me ;-)
mars: haha
mars: true

JPennant: heh, you know whats funny
JPennant: all the chicas since Ive been on this destitute path, would eventually start worrying about the security Id be able to provide
JPennant: and then chose others based on the security theyd provide
mars: so what does this tell you?
JPennant: LeGirl didnt do it like that
mars: =)
JPennant: she focused on what I said I would do, and has held me accountable to that
JPennant: she didnt go running away
JPennant: even tho she doesnt LIKE what I was going through
mars: nice
mars: don't make her worry for too long a time period tho
JPennant: no, Im aiming not to.
JPennant: the dog days are coming to an end

mars: even tho leos like to feel like they're in control, I know I don't like feeling like I'm the one ALWAYS in control, or at least always taking care of things
JPennant: *nod*
JPennant: and thats her concern
mars: so make sure she knows how you plan to remedy her concern
JPennant: hoho.. lemme tell you, she aint cutting me any slack on that
JPennant: except to reassure me that she doesnt want much.. just the best ;-)
mars: hahaha
mars: good
JPennant: yar.

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