Saturday, April 10, 2004

Purging for spring

From fellow Virgo Dori

today i inadvertantly deleted my inbox.

gone are, like, three boys' worth of love/lust letters, countless emails from mom, and the like.

luckily i'm one of those neurotic fools with 3000 filters for 3000 different mailing lists, so the inbox was the only thing to go - 845+ message i should have cleaned out long ago, anyway, i guess.

Well, for me - my YahooMail plus subscription ran out today and I hadda dump 10 megs worth of stuff to unblock my suddenly smaller box.

After cleaning the usual suspects, I turned to the more difficult things to delete.

Then I realized.. WHAT am I trying to save here?

So, emails, spam I sent out, old love/lust letters.. chucked.

As my ol' pal Chuck would put it.. "Purging is good for the soul."

I feel lighter.

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