Wednesday, June 26, 2002

How Stella Got Her Groove On..

Taking pictures is an angsty process. Until I get into a flow.. it doesnt feel good. So Im always looking for a serendipitious moment so I can slip into my groove.

Im good when I See Picture Snap Picture.

So Im struggling to learn the equipment so I can spend as little time as possible composing the shot.

See shot. Take shot.

Its coming along tho.
Sporadic sunshine, overcast

Looooooooong telephoto shot of a Dole Banana boat offshore.

I could fill the frame, but I had to manually focus as the Autofocus couldnt get a fix through the haze.

Okie, quirk duly noted.

Using fill flash to get rid of the shadows...

Long zoom shot of exploding thundercloud off-shore. Nice.

More fill flash. Damn, the flash works quickly.
Then I happened upon a lifeguard stand, and Stella started getting her groove on....

And once Stella the camera got her groove on, I got mine back.

Yep. SwankCamera 4900Z.. I christen thee "Stella". :-)

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