Monday, January 07, 2002

I inquired recently about shooting digital pix for a real estate firm...

I got a reply today. To wit:

This position has been rented.
Thank you for your inquiry.


"This position has been rented."

Heeeeeee. :-)

I could say more.
I have a sign on my apt door from the Hudson County Court of New Jersey that says that the apartment is no longer mine.

Never had one of those on my door before.

I should take a picture.
God bless fred. :-)
About the cross country train ride, sistah cyn writes:
travel while you can joey.
i've only now learned, tied down as i am,
that it's a luxury. and one never knows
when s/he'll be tied down!

She is *absolutely* right.

Who know when or if I'll get another chance like this.

I think I just wanna cross the Rockies in a choo-choo. :-)
Its snowing.

Gives a certain poetic quality to my trek outta Jersey.......

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